
16 posts

Top 5 Best practices for Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting Automation

A successful business envisions a continuous progress through a strong sense of planning and implementation. The planning phase is a crucial part of performance management wherein the business path is determined by using variables that affect performance. While it’s true that there is no straightforward path to success, there are […]

Five Practical Ways that Analytics Can Help You Understand and Grow Your Business

Every business owner knows that majority of the market is headed online. That is why websites are created in order to attract customers with solutions that could help solve their problems. Chances are, if you have a business, you have a website. But how do you know if your website […]

The 10 Most Important Benefits of Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is no doubt one of the most used buzzwords in the modern business landscape. Newer BI models are easier to use, have simpler interfaces and can be operated and understood even by the most technologically-adverse team member in a company. Given the accessibility of today’s BI software, the […]

7 Steps for Best Business Analytics Results

Analysis is an integral part of any successful business. This has always been a requirement even before the advent of analytics tools. Now that a large portion of analytic activities of companies can be digitized, more businesses are adapting business analytics tools to their systems. These tools help them perform […]

Five Tips for Improving Performance Management, Increasing Employee Engagement and Boosting Your Bottom Line

Recent research has shown that high employee engagement is not just a nicety, but is fundamentally essential to an organization’s success and also directly linked to the bottom line. A new study conducted by IBM shows that a single percentage point increase in an organization’s Employee Engagement Index (EEI) adds […]

Top 3 Roles for Business Intelligence

To achieve sustained growth and gain a competitive advantage, companies need to be able to use analytics and business intelligence to develop actionable, data-driven insights. Unfortunately, analytics is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The business manager, business analyst, and executive all have different needs when it comes to analytics and business […]