When you want to get more understanding than charts and graphs alone can provide, turn to Predictive Analytics. By using advanced statistical methods, predictive analytics can find the underlying patterns in your data to identify risk factors and indicators for future behavior. These techniques are already commonplace in industries such as finance, insurance, healthcare, and marketing and are finding new applications in all sorts of industries daily. Tools such as IBM SPSS Modeler can add new insights as a form of “data enrichment” in addition to your current data integration process, allowing you to leverage your existing data exploration and visualization applications without requiring your end users to learn new interfaces. Analysts and other hands-on users may want to run their own statistical tests and build custom predictive models and reports with the help of tools such as IBM SPSS Statistics. The methods available are as varied as the questions that can be answered, but we can help you find the right methods for your specific questions. If you are ready to take your analytics to the next level, contact us today.