
It’s difficult to imagine a business that would not benefit from effective Internet Marketing.  If you are interested in pursuing growth in your customer base, Datamensional has the expertise to assist you.  Our staff and partners have the expertise and access to the tools that accelerate your Internet Marketing objectives.  We have executive experience ranging from the eCommerce management to direct Internet marketing and distribution.  The business analytics tools we can introduce or expand in your business include both open source solutions and leading technologies from Microsoft and IBM.  We can also enable your access to information resource such as, Google Analytics, and your internally stored information.

The key areas of focus where Datamensional can assist you are:

  • Internet Marketing analyzed by impressions, customer feedback, Revenue Per Lead, gross leads, net registration, responsiveness, traffic quality, and more.
  • Email Marketing with bounces, clicks, emails sent per minute, and ISP delivery scores, and more.
  • Traditional marketing campaign analyzed based on demographic, time of campaign, creative, conversion, revenue and more.

CONTACT US today for a free consultation!